
Village of Soglio Hiking in the Swiss Alps - John 6:3    And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat with his disciples.

Monday, October 23, 2017

The Journey - Walking The Way of the Pilgrim's

Over the next couple weeks, I will be posting and reposting to this blog about my daughter's and my visit to Spain and our time walking parts of a couple favorite Pilgrim Paths throughout the country.

The Camino de Santiago (Latin: Peregrinatio Compostellana, "Pilgrimage of Compostela"; Galician: O Camiño de Santiago), known in English as The Way of Saint James among other names. (Wiki)

This will encompass short write-ups of each day, and links to some of the route maps and tracks which we walked. I will post other links to useful materials and a few of our 1,600 pictures taken along The Way.

There are many websites giving advice and infromation and my intent is not to compete with these but just to let those who read this glimpse a bit of our experience....perhaps being useful for your own planning of a future walk.

As a point of reference, let me say that my own personal pilgrimage, began about 10 years ago when two good friends and I started a reading group and began our journey with the old book collecting dust on my shelf for some 30 years, Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. It's not a perfect analogy, but there are aspects of the lead character, Christian’s, experience that were similair to ours, like meeting various people on the way offering advice....some good and some not so good. As you read look for examples of some of these.

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